Are you watching the Olympics?

Hi there, Cleanish Squad!

Listen to the email here.

We've got a new Q&A today with tons of great questions.

But, first...

Are y'all watching the Olympics? If so, hopefully, you'll get a chuckle out of this meme I shared recently on Instagram...

Now, I don't normally follow sharpshooting in the Olympics, but I love how Yusuf Dikeç (on the right) showed up and took care of business this way. You can see this post on Instagram, too.

This clear contrast of keeping it simple versus going overboard can be applied to so many aspects of life, and I think it's especially true for weight loss.

There is so much noise out there about what food to eat, what diet to follow, what magic pill to take, and so on. It can get overwhelming if you allow the noise in.

Hopefully, when you feel lost and unsure of how to reach your goals, you can remember this meme and reorient your thinking. Weight loss is simple IF you can avoid the noise.

How do you keep it simple?

  • Get good sleep
  • Walk 8k steps
  • Eat mostly nutritious foods
  • Drink lots of water
  • Hit gym 3-4x/week

When my clients consistently do this, they see amazing results—and they can't believe how easy it is.

And neither will you.

Ok, onto the Q&A!

Thanks again to those who submitted their questions for this month's Q&A. If you have any more questions, submit them here for our next Q&A! If you're confused about something, I'm sure others are, too!

Question: I’d like to know what range of weights or other equipment you would buy to start exercising at home using YouTube videos.

My Answer: If you're just getting started with strength training at home, I'd recommend getting the following equipment:

  • dumbbell set (like this one) ranging from 5 lbs to 35 lbs
  • adjustable bench (like this one)

I know - very minimal, but this is really all you'll need for months. The different dumbbells will work for different exercises, and you'll be able to start light, and progressively add more weight as you get stronger.

For every exercise, start light and try to complete a set of 8 reps. If you could easily accomplish the set, add another 5 lbs next time, and so on. Eventually, you'll find your correct working set. Have fun!

Question: Although I’m aware that no sugar is actually good for us, if you had to choose between refined white sugar and artificial sweetener, which would it be?

My Answer: Almost always when I am making this choice, it's when I'm choosing to have a cheat food. So, if we're talking about a doughnut or an ice cream when I'm out with my family, it's refined white sugar 100% -- I might as well enjoy the full flavor and indulge in something. But, if I'm out to breakfast and I just want some sweetener for my coffee and all they have is artificial or processed sugar, I'll go for artificial so I don't have to use as much white sugar to get it sweet. If I had to just pick one, it'd probably be artificial sugar, so I avoid the sugar crash and impact on my blood glucose -- especially if it's just a one-time thing.

Question: What would cause someone to develop GERD?

My Answer: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) occurs when acid reflux occurs repeatedly over time. This can happen more often if you're obese, pregnant, have perpetually low stomach acid, have higher than normal levels of H. pylori in your gut, or have delayed stomach emptying. Consistently consuming certain foods that cause acid reflux (like highly acidic and/or greasy foods) can expedite the development of GERD. Fortunately, a lot can be resolved through lifestyle and food changes.

Question: I want to include gluten back into my diet, but I have a hard time tolerating it. Is there anything I can do?

My Answer: I'd introduce gluten in a very small amount with foods that don't cause any issues. I've had good luck reintroducing gluten with sourdough for my clients. Sourdough contains natural bacteria, which can make it easier to digest, and the fermentation process decreases the amount of gluten in the bread, so it's a great baby step. After reintroducing half a slice of sourdough, I'd recommend waiting 24 hours and then repeating this again. Pay attention to any signs of discomfort. If all is good, I'd slowly add a whole slice and repeat the steps.

Question: How do I handle my cravings for certain foods?

My Answer: I'm a firm believer that our cravings tell us something. Cravings for sugary carbs likely mean your body needs energy, and cravings for salty foods can mean you're overly stressed or bored. Craving chocolate can mean your body is lacking magnesium. So, for cravings, I usually listen to them, but within reason. There's almost always a way to get your cravings met within reason and not have it throw you down a spiral.

Question: How long will it take me to lose weight?

My Answer: This will really depend on how much weight you're looking to lose and what steps you're taking. If you're following the basic guidelines of the meme I shared above, sustainable, healthy weight loss should be about 1-2 pounds per week. Just take the total weight you want to lose to have a good understanding of how long it will take. I talk more about this strategy in my video on How To Lose 100 Pounds in 2024.

Question: What type of weight loss program would you recommend?

My Answer: The best program for you will be the one that you stick to. This varies from person to person, and even for the same person. I recommend starting small, like my 30-Day Healthy program, to understand the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Then, I recommend finding a strategy for weight loss that focuses on the topics I shared above and is as simple as possible with your weight loss plan. You'll want to follow something that you can continue doing forever, not something that you suffer through just to lose weight. I also recommend getting a personal coach in person or online who will help you stay focused and will tailor a nutrition and fitness plan to suit your specific needs. If you're interested in working with me, you can apply here to get started.

Thanks again to those who submitted their questions. If you have any questions, submit them here for our next Q&A!

If someone forwarded this email to you, make sure to subscribe to my free email newsletter here to become part of the Cleanish Squad. I’ll send you updates, weight loss and health tips, and recipes each week.

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Some of my favorite things this week 🙂

  • Quote of the Week → “Believe you can and you’re halfway there." -Theodore Roosevelt

  • Featured Article → Many deli meats are deceptively unhealthy, containing nitrates, additives, and coloring. Let me show you the Top 10 Best Packaged Deli Meats so you know what to pick and what to avoid.

  • 4 Ingredient Collagen Peanut Butter Cups! → Craving something sweet and chocolatey? Swap those high-sugar, processed Reeses Peanut Butter Cups for something just as tasty that ALSO contains collagen! 🤩 No added sugar and all sorts of goodness! Get the recipe.

You Reached The End! Go You!!

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Cleanish Squad

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