Oops, I Sent the Wrong Email

Hey, Cleanish Squad!

So… about that last email. Yeah. That was totally the wrong video. 🤦‍♀️

I’d love to tell you this was some kind of strategic marketing experiment, but nope—I just completely messed up. One second, I was feeling all on top of things, back in my routine, and the next? I hit send on the wrong email and it took me about an hour until I realized my mistake. Classic Lacey doing too many things all at once without a good process.

Anyway, let’s all agree to never speak of this again, and instead, focus on the actual video I meant to send you...

Watch my actual latest video here.

Why This Video Matters (For Real This Time)

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how easy it is to stay comfortable—to avoid hard things, push off challenges, and tell myself I’ll start Monday (we’ve all done it). But the truth is, every time I’ve grown, it’s been because I did something uncomfortable.

So, in this video, I challenged myself to do the hard things on purpose. That means running (even though I don’t love it), pushing my body in new ways, and stepping back into things I’ve been avoiding. Oddly enough, it wasn't about sending uncomfortable emails about very public mistakes I am making, lol.

If you’ve ever struggled with motivation or felt like you’ve been coasting, this one’s for you.

Click here to watch now.

And thanks for sticking with me—even when I don’t know what day it is or which email I’m supposed to send. I appreciate you. 😆

See you in the right video this time,

P.S.: The video about Jordan and LA that I accidentally sent an email about? That’s actually what I’m working on right now, and it’ll be coming soon! 😉

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166 Hargraves Dr Ste C-400 543, Austin, TX 78737

Cleanish Squad

Cleanish lifestyle

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